If you or a loved one were abused as a child by a priest, member of a religious order, or another member of the clergy, you may be eligible for compensation.
Perhaps as strong and enduring as any other effects on a survivor of abuse are the shame and guilt that can be overwhelming and debilitating, compounded by a resulting mistrust of others and avoidance of any acknowledgment or conversation concerning the abuse. We recognize how difficult and oftentimes frightening acknowledging the abuse and describing it can be. Be assured that any conversation about your situation with our firm is confidential. When we respond to an inquiry, we do so with the sensitivity, respect and the discretion necessary to provide meaningful feedback. If you prefer to speak with us directly regarding your incident, please call the Meneo Law Group at 1-866-371-8506 or send a confidential email to confidential@consumersafety.org. Cases may be filed anonymously to protect the victim's identity.
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Clergy members are supposed to offer spiritual guidance and protection, but some have taken advantage of their position of power to prey on children and others who are unable to defend themselves. As more allegations become public, those harmed by the clergy they trusted are filing lawsuits against the people and organizations that allowed systemic abuse to continue.
Clergy, Staff, Church Officials
Physical Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Emotional Distress
ConsumerSafety.org aims to provide safety-related information and resources to anyone and everyone in an easy-to-understand way. We also connect individuals with legal professionals on specific subjects so they can access the support they need.
The information presented on this website is intended to be used for educational and informational purposes only. None of it is intended to constitute, nor should it be considered or relied upon as constituting, legal advice. Visiting and obtaining information from this website and/or submitting information for review by The Meneo Law Group through this website, does not create, nor should it be considered or relied upon as creating, an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship between the client and law firm may only be established pursuant to a written agreement that sets forth the terms of the relationship and has been signed by both the client and an authorized representative of the law firm.
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