Our Sponsor
ConsumerSafety.org is sponsored by premier law firms serving clients nationwide. Its mission is to seek justice and compensation for its clients by holding negligent companies accountable for injuries and damages caused by their wrongful conduct.
How We Work With Our Sponsors
We work with our sponsors in the following ways:
- Consumersafety.org is dedicated to the protection of the consuming public by providing timely and meaningful information about defective drugs, medical devices, consumer products and fraudulent practices that inflict injury and damage on unsuspecting consumers.
- To provide that information to consumers we recruit knowledgeable and experienced legal professionals to help produce the content published by consumersafety.org. We seek trusted and recognized authorities on each subject featured on our site. We ask each legal authority to write and review content on our website to help ensure its accuracy from a legal perspective. See our Editorial Standards for more information about how we create content.
- In addition to delivering information designed to educate the consuming public, we also provide individuals with the opportunity to obtain from a sponsor law firm, a no-cost case evaluation related to problematic drugs, medical devices, consumer products, hazardous conditions, and wrongful conduct.
- If qualified as a sponsor by and of Consumersafety.org, in addition to providing content and legal analysis, a law firm may pay a sponsorship fee to CSO Technology Partners LLC.