Legal Resources

Before you can protect your rights as a consumer, you need to know what those rights are. Most consumers don't have the benefit of a legal degree, so we put together some legal resources to help you understand the issues involved with filing a product liability or personal injury lawsuit. These resources are starting points for research, which you can reference before and after scheduling a free case review.

Resource Topics

Compensation and Damages

Large-Scale Legal Proceedings

Personal Injury Claims

Workers' Compensation

Other Legal Topics

Legal Resources FAQs

Where should I start?

If you're looking for information about lawsuits for a specific drug, medical device, product or personal injury, you should browse our full list of lawsuits.

If you are thinking about filing a lawsuit and need a free consultation with an experienced lawyer, you can see our list of currently active lawsuits.

If you want general information about legal topics, then you can use the search/browse feature at the top of this page to find what you are looking for. Here is also a list of some high-level legal topics where you can start your research:

If you can't find what you're looking for or have a suggestion on a legal resource we should add to our site, please let us know!

What other resources does have?

Our team works constantly to get out the news about safety issues related to problematic drugs, medical devices, consumer products and dangerous conditions. We work with survivors, advocates, journalists, bloggers, and other influencers to

Some of the ways we do that include:

  • News updates about the lawsuits, legal issues and other developments related to the areas we cover
  • Connecting through Facebook and Twitter with others who are concerned about these issues
  • Sharing stories with journalists and bloggers to spread the word as widely as possible
    • If you write for a media outlet or blog, contact us and one of our consumer advocates will get in touch

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Authored by Curtis WeyantContributor
Photo of Curtis Weyant
Curtis Weyant has more than 20 years as a writer, editor, and communicator, publishing on a wide variety of topics, especially in the financial, legal, and medical fields. At, Curtis managed the day-to-day publication of all content from 2016-2019.
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